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Out for a walk: Rose of Sharon

My Dad and I have been going for walks to break up the monotony of quarantine, and we found what we think is a Rose of Sharon tree! The...

Curly leaf and pit fruit

The peach tree is sadly suffering from leaf curl. From what I could find online, it is a fungal disease you can treat by topical sulfur...

Itty bitty root committee

Wooo! Phylli's clones are doing well in a cup of water. The little brown nubs have erupted into true roots. For now, they will remain in...

These peas go on when I close my eyes

Heart lyrics aside, these peas were aggressive growers! I still saw the issue of having planted the seeds a bit late, you can see roots...

Lil' golden plums

We had two trees that had been cut back a year ago because they were threatening the utility lines, but this year they grew back in. And...

Phylli takes over a corner

Phylli, the pothos plant. She doesn't give a flying shit about her vine kids, but we do. I think she is a "golden" pothos but I'm not...

The Porch Duo

My dad bought my mom these hanging fuchsias but she has no names for them. Are they even loved? Unclear. I do love the covered porch...

Microgreens: an obsession

These are Dunn peas that I tried starting in water and transferring to a to-go container with dirt in it. I waited way too long with the...

My arm is complete!

We have been making liberal use of this here fruit pickin' stick and cooking lots of fish flopped on lemon slices. We do worry a bit...

Goodbye Leoric, Vecna

Garlic down, I repeat, garlic down! Sadly both Leoric and Vecna, my garlic cloves, seem to have little white nematodes or worms. I knew...

Microgreens and me

I admit it, quarantine has exponentially increased my interest in gardening and eating things we grow. One of the things I have been...

Mystery plant: Pear tree

There was this creepy giant tree in the side garden behind the loquat tree, and we never knew what it was. I had to climb up a 6ft pile...

Puya guidance from the masters

This isn't mine, but because we reeaaaally want one, I finally caved and reached out to the San Diego Botanical Gardens to ask how they...

Sprout Town in the Sun Room

The Burpee is alive with the sound of music! And by music I mean the screams of angry sprouts as they try to push the clear plastic top...

TML Saga: The death of Float Boi

We have lost a great contender. As predicted, Float Boi wasn't a viable seed. This leaves (lol) Sinkmann as the only Texas Mountain...

Another transfer another box

This succulent my mom got as a gift from work has been in need of repotting for some time. We finally got some perlite and sand, so here...

The pothos had a kid

We have had a pothos plant for years and she survived an abundance of moves, being heavily cut back, and a cross country trip from MA to...

Lemon tree will provide

We have been running out of stuff to do with the lemons, but the tree will not let up. Lemons forever! So we make bake/broil a bunch more...

Texas Mountain Laurel Saga

TML is a monster of a seed, these giant hard red bead looking things. Following instructions I found online, I put these bad boys in to...

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