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Call the food police

Pips hates me. I know this, because he grows hot peppers and makes his own hot sauce. I'm a wuss about spice, not in a Dune way, but in...


We have a nectarine tree in the backyard next to the murder shack, and it took it upon itself to go above and beyond. We don't really...

Lemon seed with a dream

Look at this over achiever. Mooma cracked open a fresh picked lemon, all excited to bake salmon with it, and this guy was already trying...

Side garden back-o-tricks

I was just mulling over how to attack the out of control cactus we have in the side garden, and saw a spiny and angry looking vine. Curse...

Out of the water and into the dirt

Ayyyy, the basil did great! I took it out of the water after it had a creepy crown of roots that sort of looked like teeth. Actually, I...

Haul from Summer Winds

Yes, I got more seeds. I can't stop whenever I want, damn it! Sort of... Anywho, very excited about some of these. More info once I plant...

Found a nursery!

Had the pleasure of visiting the Summer Winds Nursery in Palo Alto today. Beautiful plants and very friendly staff. Maybe too friendly....

Missing NYC

Quarantine gives you a lot of time to mull things over, and the folks and I have been mulling over New York. I do enjoy the weather here...

Peas, second cutting

So the peas are no joke. When I cut them for snacking last time, I left their first leaves, hoping they could regrow a little. They...

The growth of a titan

The Puya liiiiives! I'm so friggin pumped about this little guy. It currently has 4-ish little blades and is working on some more. It is...

Trying to propagate the neighborhood

So! We went on a walk through San Jose and I grabbed some cuttings. I'm trying the tactic of rolling these bad boys in rooting powder and...

A walk through Palo Alto and San Jose

More walks with Dad through Stanford campus and San Jose. I'm not entirely sure what these plants are, but I think they are nifty as heck.

Mint down, mint down!

We lost a mint today. Honestly, I think Mooma is overwatering. But it also didn't have a lot of good drainage, and you can see the soil...

Blood and bone meals

We had to hit several Home Depots but eventually we found blood meal and bone meal in stock! Blood meal is a product from...

Melon sprout

The tiny melon looks awesome! I transplanted it from the Burpee. Sadly, its sibling didn't make it, so I tried planting another one.

Puya Journey

So! For the Puya, after soaking some seeds, I placed them into some dirt and covered it with plastic wrap. I thoroughly watered it before...

1 basil 1 cup

So I heard, on the street, that you can just sort of make plants root without rooting powder but taking a clipping and shoving it in...

Side figs

We have two fig trees blebbing out figs in the side garden. I'm not entirely sure what sort of fertilizer it needs, but they seem to be...

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